Faith Chapel is a non-denominational Bible teaching church.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Shen Bible Camp Under Construction!

We are pleased to announce that we are partnering with Wade Nolan and Wild Alaska Missions to replace the Cookshack this summer. Most of the cabins that make up Shen Bible Camp were converted from a used line camp when Shen was first located at Four Mile Lake on Alaska's Taylor Highway back in the 80's. Maintenance has been performed on the old structure over the years but it is slowly losing the battle with nature. The size of the Cookshack has also made for many cramped meals and Bible Studies. The plan is to increase the size of the Cookshack from 16' x 32' to 24' x 40'. The original 2x4 and plywood framed building will be replaced with a safe and sturdy "Lodge"!